viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2010

pronunciacion de la Ed

Spelling rules for adding ed to form the past participle
Some regular verbs change their spelling when the ending ed is added to form the past participle.
a. Verbs ending in a silent e
When a regular verb ends in a silent e, only the letter d must be added in order to form the past participle. For example:
Infinitive Past Participle
to close closed
to move moved
to please pleased
to receive received
b. Verbs ending in y
When a regular verb ends in y immediately preceded by a consonant, the y is changed to i before the ending ed is added. For example:
Infinitive Past Participle
to study studied
to rely relied
to carry carried
However, when a regular verb ends in y immediately preceded by a vowel, the y is not changed before the ending ed is added. For example:
Infinitive Past Participle
to play played
to convey conveyed
to enjoy enjoyed
See Exercise 3.
c. Verbs ending in a single consonant preceded by a single vowel
The rules concerning the doubling of final consonants which apply when adding the ending ing to form the present participle also apply when adding the ending ed to form the past participle.
Thus, when a one-syllable verb ends in a single consonant other than w, x or y immediately preceded by a single vowel, the final consonant must be doubled before the ending ed is added to form the past participle. In the following examples, the consonants which have been doubled are underlined. For example:
Infinitive Past Participle
to rub rubbed
to trim trimmed
to plan planned
to stop stopped
When a verb of more than one syllable ends in a single consonant other than w, x or y immediately preceded by a single vowel, the final consonant is doubled before the ending ed only when the last syllable of the verb is pronounced with the heaviest stress. In the following examples, the syllables pronounced with the heaviest stress are underlined. For example:
Infinitive Past Participle
to control controlled
to infer inferred
to occur occurred
to permit permitted
to fasten fastened
to order ordered
to focus focused
to limit limited
In the first four examples, the last syllable of the verb is pronounced with the heaviest stress, and the final consonant is doubled before ed is added. In the last four examples, the first syllable of the verb is pronounced with the heaviest stress, and the final consonant is not doubled before ed is added.
The final consonants w, x and y are never doubled when the ending ed is added. For example:
Infinitive Past Participle
to follow followed
to box boxed
to portray portrayed
It should also be noted that final consonants immediately preceded by two vowels are not doubled when the ending ed is added. For example:
Infinitive Past Participle
to greet greeted
to rain rained
to soak soaked
to treat treated

Utilizado como final del pasado simple y participio pasado en los verbos regulares, hay tres formas de pronunciarlo, dependiendo del sonido final (sordo o sonoro) del verbo. Trata de recordar esta regla práctica:

1.  Se pronuncia -ID en los verbos que terminan con las consonantes t y d:  
calculate calculated  /kalkiuléitid (calcular)
arrest arrested  /arréstiid (arrestar)
pat patted  /pátid (dar una palmada)
roast roasted 
/róustid (asar)
succeed succeeded  /saksídid (tener éxito)
mind minded 
/máindid (importarle a uno)   
2. Se pronuncia -T después de las consonantes mudas f, k, p, s, sh, ch, o th [suave]:
laugh laughed  /la:ft (reir/se)
pick picked
sip sipped  /sipt/ 
(sorber, saborear)
mess messed  /mest/  (desordenar)
fish fished  /fisht
matched  /macht

3. Se pronuncia -D después de las consonantes sonoras b, g, j, l, m, n, z, v, ng y th [fuerte]. Asimismo, después de todos los sonidos vocales y diptongos:
mob mobbed  /mobd (acosar)
beg begged  /begd
fill filled  /fild (llenar)
quiz quizzed  /kuízd/ 
love loved  /lovd
hum hummed  /jamd
thin thinned  /zind
judge judged  /yádshd
smooth smoothed
clang clanged
(hacer sonar)
fry fried  /fráid (freir)
4. Ten presente que lo importante en este aspecto de la gramática es el SONIDO CON EL CUAL FINALIZA EL VERBO, no la letra o su pronunciación. Por ejemplo, el verbo fax finaliza con la letra x pero con el sonido /s/; por su parte, el verbo like termina con la letra e pero con el sonido /k/.

Verbos regulares agrupados por terminaciones

Inicio » Verbos Regulares » Lista de verbos regulares - Letra A

Lista de verbos regulares - Letra A
List of regular verbs - Letter A

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abate (abéit) - disminuir, amainar
abbreviate (abríivieit) - abreviar
abdicate (ábdikéit) - abdicar
abort (abórt) - abortar

abscond (abskónd) - fugarse
absorb (absórb) - absorber
abstain (abstéin) - abstenerse
abuse (abiús) - maltratar, hacer mal uso de

accede (aksíid) - acceder
accelerate (aksélereit) - acelerar
accept (aksépt) - aceptar
accompany (akómpani) - acompañar

accommodate (akómodeit) - alojar
accost (akóst) - abordar
accumulate (akiúumiuleit) - acumular
accuse (akiús) - acusar

ache (éik) - doler
acquiesce (akuiés) consentir, estar de acuerdo
act (akt) - actuar
activate (áktiveit) - activar

achieve (achíiv) - conseguir
acknowledge (aknólidch) - reconocer, acusar recibo de
adapt (adápt) - adaptar, adaptarse
add (ád) - añadir

address (adrés) - dirigirse, abordar
adhere (adjíer) - adherirse
adjust (adchást) - ajustar, adaptar
administer (admínister) - administrar

admire (admáier) - admirar
admit (admít) - admitir, reconocer
admonish (admónish) - amonestar, reprender
adore (adór) - adorar

adorn (adórn) - adornar
advance (adváns) - avanzar, adelantar
advertise (ádvertais) - anunciar, hacer publicidad
advocate (ádvokeit) - abogar por, ser partidario de

advise (adváis) - aconsejar
affect (afékt) - afectar
affirm (aférm) - afirmar
affix (afíx) - fijar, pegar

afford (afóord) - poder pagar
aggravate (ágraveit) - agravar, empeorar; irritar
agonize (ágonais) - atormentarse
agree (agríi) - estar de acuerdo

aid (éid) - ayudar, auxiliar
aim (éim) - apuntar, dirigir
air (éar) - airear, ventilar, transmitir
alert (aléert) - alertar

align (aláin) - alinear
allege (alíidch) - alegar, afirmar
allow (aláu) - permitir
allude (alúud) - aludir, referirse

alphabetize (álfabetais) - alfabetizar
alter (ólter) - alterar, modificar
alternate (ólterneit) - alternar
amble (ámbl) - pasear tranquilamente

amend (aménd) - enmendar, corregir
amuse (amiúuz) - divertir/entretener
analyse (ánalais) - analizar
animate (ánimeit) - animar

annhilate (anáieleit) - aniquilar/derrotar
announce (anáuns) - anunciar
annotate (ánoteit) - anotar
annoy (anói) - hacer enojar

anoint (anóint) - ungir
answer (ánser) - responder
antagonize (antágonais) - antagonizar
anticipate (antísipeit) - prever/esperar

apologize (apólodchais) - disculparse
appeal (apíal) - apelar
appear (apíar) - aparecer/parecer
appease (apíiss) - apaciguar

applaud (aplóod) - aplaudir
apply (aplái) - aplicar, solicitar, aplicarse
appraise (apréiss) - evaluar, tasar, apreciar
appreciate (apríshieit) - apreciar

approach (apróuch) - acercarse, aproximarse, abordar
appropriate (apróuprieit) - apropiarse
approve (aprúuv) - aprobar
arch (arch) - arquear, arquearse

argue (árguiuu) - discutir
arrange (arréindch) - arreglar
arrest (arrést) - arrestar
arrive (arráiv) - llegar

articulate (artíkiuleit) - articular, enunciar, expresar
ascend (asénd) - subir, ascender
ascertain (asertéin) - averiguar, comprobar
ask (ásk) - preguntar

assail (aséil) - atacar, insultar
assault (asólt) - atacar, asaltar
assay (aséi) - ensayar
assent (asént) - asentir, consentir

assert (asért) afirmar
assess (asés) - tasar, evaluar
assign (asáin) - asignar, destinar
assist (asíst) - ayudar

assume (asiúum) - suponer, asumir
assure (ashúar) - asegurar, garantizar
attach (atách) - sujetar/atar
attack (aták) - atacar

attain (atéin) - lograr
attempt (atémpt) - intentar
attend (aténd) - asistir
attract (atrákt) - atraer

authorize (ózorais) - autorizar
aver (avér) - asegurar, afirmar
avert (avért) - apartar, desviar, prevenir
avoid (avóid) - evitar

avow (aváu) - reconocer, admitir
await (awéit) - esperar, aguardar 

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